Supplemental Program & Resources Utilized in Curriculum Education
Wolf Creek Ski & Board Club for Ages 7-18
School Choice Students
PARENTS REQUIRED to drive, and to be at the Wolf Creek Mountain or have their student with an ASSIGNED Adult Guardian or SPRUCE Chaperone for all ski school dates. Your students can attend as many dates as you choose. Some Ski Scholarships may be available, please contact Natalie for additional info. and to be added to the scholarship list.
The current dates:
FRIDAY Dec. 13 RSVP/Pay by Nov. 26
THURS. Jan. 30 RSVP/Pay by Jan. 16
THURS. Feb. 20 RSVP/Pay by Feb. 6
Please look at the Wolf Creek School Group Program Website.
ALL FORMS must be emailed to silverspruceacademy@gmail.com
ALL RSVP's and payments will be due ONLINE at the SPRUCE WEBSITE or in person at Silver SPRUCE Academy at least 2 weeks before the required RSVP due date, NO REFUNDS. Cancellation Payments will go into Scholarship Fund and be offered to students that qualify.
Each Parent is required to:
1. Download the Parent Letter
2. Watch the Wolf Creek School Group Program Video
Parents will fill out a new form for EACH SKI DAY for each student:
1. Parental Rental Liability Release Agreement
2. Release of Liability Agreement (Lessons)
Additional Info can be found on the Wolf Creek Website including:
Snowboard Level
Base Area Map
7-18 Years Ski $25/Snowboard $40 (full day lesson & rental, NO LUNCH PROVIDED)
19+ Adults $91 Ticket, $22 Ski/$32 Snowboard Rent, 1/2 Day Lesson $46
Schedule: 9am Check-in Base Camp, Rentals/Tickets, Lesson Starts ASAP,
12pm Lunch @ Base Camp, Afternoon-3 Exploration Lesson, 3-4 Parents
FAMILY Dates: All School Program Students are invited to bring up their immediate family for skiing on dates to be determined. A special rate of $15.00 is available for an all-mountain lift ticket, 2-hour morning lesson, and ski rental. A snowboard rental is $10.00 extra.
New for the 2024-2025 Family Days pre-registration is a requirement. Families are now required to pre-register online at shop.WolfCreekSki.com/familyday and must do so at least one day prior to the Family Day they plan to ski/snowboard.
Feb. 9
Feb. 23
March 22
March 29
April 5
April 6
Call the Wolf Creek office at (970) 264-5639, if you have any other questions.