Supplemental Program & Resources Utilized in Curriculum Education
Silver SPRUCE Academy, Inc. operates through contracts for service for school choice through Mountain Middle School for K-8th and Animas High School for 9th-12th. Additional funding comes from fees, grants, donations, volunteers, and fundraising. Each family must submit a Family Registration Form and pay a $50 registration fee prior to enrollment.
The following requirements must be met annually to qualify for funded services:
Most students who are 5 or under 20 years old prior to Sept. 1st of the calendar year qualify for funded services
Apply for Enrollment by September 25th
Meet 24-30 Hours of Program Attendance before October 1st
Maintain 90 Hours of Attendance Each Semester
The following conditions would require fee-based services:
Attendance at Another Publicly Funded Program
Enrollment after September 25th
Less than 24-30 Hours of Program Attendance before October 1st